Deep Breath
I listened with satisfaction to the beeping of the microwave and retrieved my mug of African tea. Allowing it to warm my hands, I brought it close to my face, breathing in the distictive flavor while steam rolled over my face---soothing and relaxing.
Then I burnt my nose.
(I'm not sure how, but either the glass was fuller than I thought, or my nose is very long...)
Anyway...that was just part of my day. Most of it was spent in the cold chemistry lab at school selling books for the conference. It sounds bad but it really isn't. Not the most fascinating occupation of course, but nice. I basically just set up and maintain a miniature library while also running the cash register. I've discovered a new and deep love for the click click click ding! sound of that little machine. It provides many moments of amusement during my long hours of labor. Also, I receive regular visits from my friends who are taking the conference (and the entertainment accompanying them.) Besides that, I draw on the board, (then erase it really fast and look guilty when a person walks in. I don't know why I look guilty--all I do is write my name as many different ways as I can think of, but the unexpected intrusions never cease to make me throw the marker down and smile suspiciously!) play with my palm pilot, attempt to focus and write scholarship essays, read the books I'm selling, (or at least the first part of every chapter so that I can sound convincing and professional when I offer each customer my intelligent assessment of the reading material.) and...that's about it. The day actually goes really fast, and my only complaints would be the temperature and the shirt I wore today and didn't like.
Ummm...I babysat Alexander again and somehow lost a bag of groceries on my way from Aruna's van to the kitchen. (or so I've been accused) I really wouldn't be surprised if I did! I don't know why I've been so tired this week, considering all I do is stand around all day, but I return home pretty out of it. This afternoon, I tried to put the confectionate sugar in the refridgerator and DID put the "refridgerate only" waffles in the pantry. I can't seem to remember what I'm supposed to be doing...but what's new?
Hmmm...I can't really think of anything else. I watched American Idol.
Oh! and I rode my brother's bike to Aruna's house. It was weird. I haven't ridden a bike in SO long...and there I was, heartily pedaling (swerving!)down the road with my huge lip bag (duffel bag with lips on it actually)slung over one shoulder, throwing me horribly off balance. (It kept hitting the front wheel, making the entire bicycle jump, and the momentum of it swinging back and forth made the bike do the same.) Not to mention that my hands were numb, my too-big coat was ballooning out behind me, I couldn't see well because I was wearing my glasses, and I had on backless tennis shoes that inhibit any kind of progressive pedaling.
Ahh well...The only other thing I can think of is a poem I wrote in my hours of solitude. IT IS NOT WRITTEN TO ANY OF YOU AND SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. So for all you wishful thinkers--NO. It's just...poetry. You take a tiny (or non-existent!) emotion and play on it. I think my warning is now sufficient so here goes...
Then I burnt my nose.
(I'm not sure how, but either the glass was fuller than I thought, or my nose is very long...)
Anyway...that was just part of my day. Most of it was spent in the cold chemistry lab at school selling books for the conference. It sounds bad but it really isn't. Not the most fascinating occupation of course, but nice. I basically just set up and maintain a miniature library while also running the cash register. I've discovered a new and deep love for the click click click ding! sound of that little machine. It provides many moments of amusement during my long hours of labor. Also, I receive regular visits from my friends who are taking the conference (and the entertainment accompanying them.) Besides that, I draw on the board, (then erase it really fast and look guilty when a person walks in. I don't know why I look guilty--all I do is write my name as many different ways as I can think of, but the unexpected intrusions never cease to make me throw the marker down and smile suspiciously!) play with my palm pilot, attempt to focus and write scholarship essays, read the books I'm selling, (or at least the first part of every chapter so that I can sound convincing and professional when I offer each customer my intelligent assessment of the reading material.) and...that's about it. The day actually goes really fast, and my only complaints would be the temperature and the shirt I wore today and didn't like.
Ummm...I babysat Alexander again and somehow lost a bag of groceries on my way from Aruna's van to the kitchen. (or so I've been accused) I really wouldn't be surprised if I did! I don't know why I've been so tired this week, considering all I do is stand around all day, but I return home pretty out of it. This afternoon, I tried to put the confectionate sugar in the refridgerator and DID put the "refridgerate only" waffles in the pantry. I can't seem to remember what I'm supposed to be doing...but what's new?
Hmmm...I can't really think of anything else. I watched American Idol.
Oh! and I rode my brother's bike to Aruna's house. It was weird. I haven't ridden a bike in SO long...and there I was, heartily pedaling (swerving!)down the road with my huge lip bag (duffel bag with lips on it actually)slung over one shoulder, throwing me horribly off balance. (It kept hitting the front wheel, making the entire bicycle jump, and the momentum of it swinging back and forth made the bike do the same.) Not to mention that my hands were numb, my too-big coat was ballooning out behind me, I couldn't see well because I was wearing my glasses, and I had on backless tennis shoes that inhibit any kind of progressive pedaling.
Ahh well...The only other thing I can think of is a poem I wrote in my hours of solitude. IT IS NOT WRITTEN TO ANY OF YOU AND SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY. So for all you wishful thinkers--NO. It's just...poetry. You take a tiny (or non-existent!) emotion and play on it. I think my warning is now sufficient so here goes...
One day, cold and unfeeling,
One tear fell down my face.
One finger made it vanish,
While another took its place.
One sigh broke through the darkness,
One whisper of "alone..."
One cry pervaded silence,
And I knew it was my own.
Then truly unexpected,
One moment found surprise.
You met my gaze and smiled,
My reflection in your eyes...
One glance is all I needed,
One dream had just come true--
The sun expelled the emptiness
I knew the one was you.
Well anyway, 'till nextime!
At 8:11 PM,
julio said…
burned your nose...
you make me laugh.
have fun at the confrence.
At 4:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think you guys are my sanity! (which is alarming...) And the poem--how is it depressing?!
At 8:04 PM,
julio said…
maybe depression being left behind
At 5:05 PM,
julio said…
but the poem is hardly depressing.
At 6:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
yay for the conference! FOr being biblical, i think i've laughed more this week that the entire month of January! Good times!
At 8:32 AM,
Unknown said…
It starts out depressing, but then you realize it is happy! I still don't understand poetry.....or women.
At 1:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, I liked the poem. I burn my nose all the time, though for me it's usually hot choclate that I burn it in. I mean, you're leaning in to get a lovely whiff of steam and then suddenly, the scalding liquid leaps out onto your unsuspecting nose. yeah, that happens all the time...
At 1:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oops...somehow I pushed the anonymous button. the above comment's from me.
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