once upon a time

The story of my life

Thursday, June 22, 2006

She hurled herself into the storm. Clouds, low and ominous, delivered chastizing streams of rain. The thunder shouted disapproval, and lightening issued close threats.
She smiled.
Wrapped in a hideous jacket, her pale face was barely visible. Dark curls trembled beneath her hood, dancing to the wind's temptation.
She shivered.
Damp and cool, a chill accompanied restless air. It was the intensity however, of the sky's release that sent a tremor of anticipation through her spine, and lifted the hairs on her arms and neck. Quickly scanning the yard for a dry place, the girl ran and ducked under the wooden platform of her childhood playset. Ignoring the dampness of the ground, she felt only the storm--its whirling confusion slowly uncurling in her chest.
She closed her eyes and breathed.
She loved it. The anticipation, disolving inhibitions...
The world was letting go.
A weather siren sounded in the distance, invading the privacy of her mind. With an irritated slap she brushed away an ant crawling on her ankle. Distaste clouded her face as the siren continued its long and obnoxious proclamation of the storm. No one understood the weather. Monolougues addressing hot and cold fronts, cumulonimbus clouds, and future forecasts did nothing to achieve her confidence in man's ability to explain away the weather. It wasn't something mastered by science and technology. No--it was a story.
She imagined.
Everyday, the sky snatched the vain wishes, shattered dreams, bitter resolve, passion and anger from the lips of strangers. It stole whispers and prayers from hot breath--carrying them to the empty expanse above the world. There, above the clouds, turmultuous sentiments gathered---churning and roiling, staining the sky black and making the air hot and oppressive. Hatred and love collided, jelousy and malice fought to outdo oneanother. Anger took the wind captive, using it as a weapon, to slash and stir and destroy. Finally, the sky would have no more. With a great flash of light, and a crash that mirrored the climax of discord--the sky struck out and subdued them.
There was silence.
Then, came surrender as every emotion declared defeat. Sumbissive to something greater, they dismissed desire and died---falling back to earth where they slammed the ground in a flood of tears...
Those who fear the storm do so rightly. They are overwhelmed by the merciless ferocity of their own hearts.
The girl slowly opened her eyes and propped her chin on her knees. The rain had begun to gentle---softening the ground it had formerly struck. The smell of earth and taste of wind slowly entertwined, dancing to the silent song of the storm. The air was lazy once again--quiet and curious. Touching her face, the wind silently probed her thoughts. She had witnessed the storm with different eyes. Did she understand? Had she followed the breathless story of conflict and resolution? Did she know?
Rising slowly from her sanctuary, the girl stood--smiling as raindrops kissed her outstretched arms and upturned palms.
She knew.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Random Children

Well--yesterday after absorbing at least 3 liters of chlorine in Luke's pool, swallowing twice as much, getting a nice tan and a little closer to Joe than I would prefer, I watched Stephen Spielberg's giant rubber shark chew on people before collapsing in my room around 10:30. For those of you who haven't seen Jaws, let me vent. Okay--it really isn't a horrible movie...there are a few good jump scenes and...okay that's about it.
As a weathered and respected movie critic, these were a few of the problems.
#1 The actors. They were horrible.
#2 Okay, and the whole giant shark thing---I really wanted to believe it, I did!

It was fine until Mr. Speilberg decided to send his shark flying out of the water and onto the boat. I mean, I'm sorry, but the "hopping shark" was not impressive.
Maybe he should have used a stunt double.
Besides that, EVERYONE knows that sharks can't breathe unless they are moving. (Their gills are constructed in such a way that the shark must be moving, forcing water into the gills flaps so that the oxygen...Okay, I don't really know what I'm talking about---but what the heck do movie critics know anyway?!?) Point being--it's hard for me to believe that this shark could devour our fisherman friend out of water for five minutes. And the last thing about this shark, he like, couldn't close his mouth. He basically gummed his victims to death. My favorite was when guys on the boat start yelling that "he's biting through the ropes!" So then you see the glistening of the rubber sharks head, and the fury in his plastic eyes as Jaws somehow manages to "bite" through the ropes with his mouth open.
Maybe I'm rambling.
Maybe I make no sense.
But neither did JAWS and it made millions of dollars!

Change subject.

The title of my post "random children"refers to the insane amount of babysitting requests I receive on a daily basis. Like today for example. This morning at 8 o'clock, I watched the Worrell girls. Then, this afternoon, I went swimming with Alexander. And now, I have in my care FIVE CHILDREN. Of course, I'm not complaining. Just providing an intellectual reason for my post title.

Oh yes--and for all my fans who don't know yet (and care)

I went sometime last week to register and buy my books, and revel in the sweet confidence of my future. I'm really excited, and my summer has become even more enjoyable now that I don't have to worry about this anymore!
Well besides all of this---I got nothin'. I just fed all of my children French Toast sticks however, and the syrup with which they drowned this microwaved delicacy had an ungodly sugar content. Thus, I'm assuming that the random thuds, screams, and crashes coming from downstairs are telling me something. Either they've invented the lightbulb and are performing a ceremonious victory dance-----or Stephen has decided to give karate lessons.
Really gotta go! (I think I had a little to much syrup myself!)

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Yeah yeah!

Guys...I don't think I could adequately entail my undying love for this time of year!!!
After all the activity of graduation, all the food, all the guests, all the headaches---I discovered that I had completely forgotten what summer was like. I actually haven't really relaxed yet, but it's so weird to have no responsibilities, no homework, nothing for my parents to nag me about...
I think that the only cloud over my happiness is that my college plans are yet undecided. I'm to the point of insanity that makes me want to instantly murder the next insincere moron that robotically asks me where I'm going to college. Sigh. My parents and I were supposed to have the "discussion" yesterday, but our friends from Florida are still here. That has been interesting. For those of you who remember the Culps---there is never a dull moment. Sunday night---me, my mom, and Mrs. Culp went swimsuit shopping. Let's just say "unique sense of humor" and leave it like that. We ended up going to Walmart--outside of which is a large, inflatable waterslide. Now--first of all, it's almost midnight, and NO ONE is around. Plus, there's no water or anything running, and the huge inflatableness of this toy was practically begging us to try it out. Sooo... Mrs. Culp informed my mother that we were all going to climb it and try it out. If any of you know my mother--this is not something that she would even consider doing. (For such a classy person--doing something even slightly embarrassing/destructive/retarded is the equivalent of cussing out a baby rabbit in public.) Anyway, by the time Mrs. Culp had thrown the car in park in front of this gigantic temptation, and encouraged, persuaded, threatened, insulted, and begged my mother to try it---my mom still stubbornly refused. Finally, Mrs. Culp grabbed me and told me that I could come in my mom's place. So I did.

It was a glorious moment.
We looked around.
We gingerly stepped onto the inflated surface
We looked at one another--the triumph already in our eyes
We threw ourselves onto the highest part of the slide...
And discovered that, in spite of appearances---
THE SLIDE WAS NOT INFLATED. Instead of pumping it up and corking it like you're supposed to, Mr. Walmart had merely attatched a FAN to it, making it look full of air and able to support the combined weight of two American women. Well---it didn't. It basically collapsed on us. Actually kind of enveloped us. It had just enough air to inflate the part over our heads after it had pulled us down into its middle. So we basically got stuck, and couldn't stop laughing to help ourselves. Finally we rescued ourselves and dashed to our getaway car, where I then realized that I had left my shoes at the scene of the crime and had to go back for them. On my return, the waterslide was a pitiful sight. I think it'll probably be like that for a while.
After that, we went to IHOP and totally frieked out our waitress "Ivy." My mom and Mrs. Culp definately did not appear sober, and Mrs. Culp had a very friendly way of saying Ivy's name after every sentence of our order. Oh my.
Well-for all of you insistent people who have bothered me about posting again---THERE. Happy now?
What's your happy juice?
