The repression and depression of bleak, horrible, apathetic, FREEZING COLD WINTER has been defeated! As I speak, the sun is streaming through the window, throwing an exhilerating brightness into the room. We got to go outside for art class today---and I was between crying and laughing hysterically for joy! FINALLY, the green is here, my skin is warm, the sky is bright, and I could lie in the grass of my front lawn forever---breathing in the essence of summer. (Although the front lawn is a pretty easy target for my little brothers and the garden hose!) Suddenly, my inhibitions are gone (well--not all of them--so don't worry.) and I find myself wandering around outside just to revel in the sensation of sunshine in my face. (that accompanies the lazy smile also located there.)
I actually wanted to write--even though every other female will probably write about the same thing. I don't know--am I the only one who harbors hate, loathing, spite, and passionate dislike towards winter? Everything's alive now, myself included.
What else to say? Nothing can express my happiness.
The repression and depression of bleak, horrible, apathetic, FREEZING COLD WINTER has been defeated! As I speak, the sun is streaming through the window, throwing an exhilerating brightness into the room. We got to go outside for art class today---and I was between crying and laughing hysterically for joy! FINALLY, the green is here, my skin is warm, the sky is bright, and I could lie in the grass of my front lawn forever---breathing in the essence of summer. (Although the front lawn is a pretty easy target for my little brothers and the garden hose!) Suddenly, my inhibitions are gone (well--not all of them--so don't worry.) and I find myself wandering around outside just to revel in the sensation of sunshine in my face. (that accompanies the lazy smile also located there.)
I actually wanted to write--even though every other female will probably write about the same thing. I don't know--am I the only one who harbors hate, loathing, spite, and passionate dislike towards winter? Everything's alive now, myself included.
What else to say? Nothing can express my happiness.
At 7:00 PM,
yoshi said…
um...i feel kinda weird now cause you siad that all the girls would write about it and i wrote about it before you got to it...hummm.. awkward...
At 7:06 PM,
MEC said…
Hee, hee, Joe I think you're excused 'cause you've been sick (Joe's a gi-rl, Joe's a gi-rl. . )I love the feel of the wind and the sundhine on my skin. Whn I went tanning on Mon. I could feel the rays and it made me long for a bright, sunny day to lay lazily in the sun by the pool
At 1:10 PM,
turza said…
i cant think of anything to say that's original or creative, but i agree. Though today i heartily wanted it to snow, just for one more day. The cold matched my stony moode, and there's a cold romance in snow falling in bare woods.
At 3:20 PM,
Unknown said…
I hate the sun. It should just burn out and go away forever. Just kidding. I do like the winter though. Too much of it stinks. I'll just keep rambling....yada yada yada....
At 6:56 PM,
MEC said…
I love the first few snows, but its been so dry my hands crack if I move my fingers, I'd rather have summy days, unfourtunately (sp?) it is dark, but I've been catching up on my debit fo sun from winter though it will take a long time!
At 2:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know what you mean Rebecca, it's lovely. I climbed my tree barefoot and noticed it's growing these little bunches of cascading flowers. I love spring...and fall...I just don't like freezing weather or heat stroke kind of weather.
At 10:09 AM,
Butterfly said…
sounds beautiful...i wish i could be there enjoying it with you all.
and if you could,tell chris thanx for the "gift",he'll know what i'm talkin' bout. It was o so very thoughtful of him to think of
At 5:27 AM,
Sage said…
be happy you have snow. We have sun, humidity, and stinkey dogg dookie!!!
At 5:27 AM,
Sage said…
be happy you have snow. We have sun, humidity, and stinkey dogg dookie!!!
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